I highly recommend this Channel 4 documentary from 2007 for a more nuanced take on the climate narrative.


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Climate Change is bullshit... man has minimal impact on the climate...

In any even why worry about it - even if it was true there is nothing to be done ... and soon we'll have clear blue skies... cuz that is what collapse will bring.

Find something more useful to spend your time on

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Yeah. Did you even watch the video? It's called 'The great global warming swindle'. The rants are funny but becoming increasingly unhinged.

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F.E . believes that Laser reflectors magically appeared on the moon!

Time, date and mission number!

Otherwise B/S!

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2007 Duh-nier Doc LOL. Perfect for deniers who are desperate to keep their brains in the past so not to have to explain the ever growing climate change consequences that are tearing the human built world (homes, infrastructure, agriculture) apart every day.

Fast Eddy does not watch videos or click on links to daily climate disasters like the one below. Fast eddy has been a one trick pony - he's been throwing up same crude 3-4 repeat "climut is a scam" sentences for over 20 years on various blogs like Gail's and others who still tolerate, rude climate/reality deniers with no explanation for all the disasters, with many being record breaking, breaking records 1-3 years old over and over again for at least the last decade.

This gentleman below does a Climate Round-Up every other day in 2024 (not 2007) and the climate change JACKED destruction is undeniable. Deniers won't look because they have no explanation, which is why the only links they put up are to tired, decades old denier docs made by known industry shills.

<b>25th June 2024 Today’s Round-Up of Climate News</b>


It's horrible and he puts up a new round-up every other day of unique record smashing climate jacked disasters. I challenge anyone to look and then deny or say it's not yet costing.

Here's just 1 Headline from today's round up - links in Round-up


“Just in: 53 DEGREES IN KUWAIT – WORLD CLIMATIC HISTORY REWRITTEN. 53.1 [127.6F] currently at Jahra; we are close to the reliable world record of highest temperature…

“51.7C again at Swiehan in the EMIRATES… 0.1c from Emirate hottest day in climatic , which might fall tomorrow.”

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Remind me of when Al Gore said coastal cities would be underwater?

Oh ... and tell me what is being done or can be done to stop the catastrophe? What specifically are YOU doing? Are you still buying stuff... do you still live in a house? Do you use fossil fuels? Do you buy food from a supermarket?

Nothing right. That's the thing ... there is nothing that could be done even if it was real

So you are just talking out of your ass... Who gives a f789. It's no different than if a massive asteroid was heading for Earth and scheduled to hit in 12 months from now.

You could moan and whine and wail all you want ...

Do you think if that was actually happening bbccnn would be telling you about it? Obviously not... so why do they pound you with the climate change bs?????

Brain f789ing dead. Get another booster why doncha?

Here is why they tell bombard you with climate change lies... it is NECESSARY https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-three-pillars-of-bullshit

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I don't know what Al Gore has said or written. I've spent my time studying the science and listening to the people who go out in the field and do climate research - you listen and watch to political theater think you understand planetary physics and chemistry. Political theater and your step dad Rupert Murdoch are your science teachers and tell you what reality is.


Speaking of reality, another climate change Jacked record SMASHING mega-flood has happened yet again in the US.


*Nearly half of Minnesota under "unprecedented" flooding, and some rivers are at or above record levels*


"MINNEAPOLIS — Massive flooding is now impacting nearly half of Minnesota. As of Wednesday morning, a few rivers in Minnesota are near, or in a few cases even above, record levels, including the Des Moines River near Avoca and Windom, and the Minnesota River at Henderson and Jordan."




Half of an entire state. I guess if you are an optimist you can look at it as half the state was spared from unprecedented record breaking flooding.

It's not the only state that's been hammered by a climate change jacked Rain Bomb.


*How bad is the Iowa flooding? 4 graphics illustrate record-setting river levels*


In Saturday's flooding, the Rock River in northwest Iowa exceeded its typical volume by more than 100 times.


"Northwest Iowa was beset by record flooding over the weekend after extreme rainfall, leading to a disaster proclamation from Gov. Kim Reynolds and the evacuation of thousands of residents."




*Record flooding inundates northwest Iowa, prompts evacuations, isolates one city*


"Portions of Iowa were struck by historic flooding that damaged nearly 2,000 properties and prompted evacuations and disaster declarations over the weekend.

"I can tell you that the devastation is severe and it's widespread," Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said at an afternoon news conference in Des Moines.

Flooding on Saturday and overnight into Sunday was the result not just of direct rain — some areas measured 15 inches in two days,"




Since you are so scientifically literate then I am sure you are familiar with the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and what it means - it means that the increased warming to date has jacked the hydrologic cycle and that is why record SMASHING rain Bombs keep falling on their heads, causing record flooding that destroys infrastructure, agriculture , homes, businesses and lives.

Since there is a lag and much more heating to come all these tens of thousands of rain and flood records that have been set the last decade are going to get smashed and smashed and smashed again and it was predicted in many research papers going back decades below is an explain article discussing the perdition and consequences.


*Extreme Precipitation Expected to Increase with Warming Planet*


'A new analysis indicates that the frequency and magnitude of extreme precipitation events are expected to increase as Earth continues to warm.'


"The simplest thermodynamic equations make it clear that warmer air can hold more moisture than colder air: The Clausius-Clapeyron equation shows that for every 1°C temperature increase, Earth’s atmosphere can hold 7% more water."




Snide comments and fling out Al Gore or Gretta (the little girl who scares a million white men and sends them into epic rages) are all you have.

Hey why don't you go to the disaster zones and tell the victims that the record breaking flooding (wildfire, hurricane, New mega-hail, drought, etc) that just trashed their home and cars and lives is a "pillar of bullshit"?

I would love to watch that.


I'm so glad I never had kids. No apologies and watching them suffer.


*10C warming locked-in*


New research from eminent climate scientist Prof James Hansen and colleagues suggests a planet killing event. This is based on current CO2 levels in the atmosphere, not on future emissions. ‘Eventual global warming due to today’s GHG forcing alone – after slow feedbacks operate – is about 10°C.’




*The Scientific Case for NTHE (Near-Term Human Extinction): Reviewing the Evidence*


Direct mortal effects of climate change include heat waves, which have already caused thousands of human deaths by a combination of heat and humidity (wet-bulb temperature >35°C, such that the human body is physically unable to cool itself with perspiration).


Intermediate causes of death (between direct and indirect) involve crop failures, droughts, flooding, extreme weather, wildfires, and rising seas.


Extinction is the complete disappearance of a species from Earth. The predominant cause of extinction is loss of habitat.




I don't know what they teach in OZ, but where I am from (civilized English speaking world) when you are debating and the only supporting evidence you have is to cite yourself, it's an admission of a failed argument. You have the entire internet and you cite yourself because you will do anything to NOT look at the growing and more destructive and costly record braking disasters.

You have NO answer for it except contrarian.

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Have you read this? https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-three-pillars-of-bullshit

If you still believe we are wrecking the climate ... what are YOU doing about it? Have you stopped using fossil fuels? Do you live in a house that is heated and cooled? I see that you are using electricity ... and a computer... do you drive a car?

What could you do even if you wanted to? Nothing. Zero. Reducing our fossil fuel burn would result in economic collapse.

People are so easily played.... but of course they are https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-dumbest-species-ever

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What am I doing about it? Change the subject because you have no answer for the ever worsening record smashing disasters.

Changing the subject and trying to hit me with the 'argument from hypocrisy' logical fallacy (they really don't tech logic & rhetoric down under?). How is the ancient Greeks documented it, yet 99% of western civilization does not know basic logic? Changing the subject and then arguing about things I never brought up to you or anyone else here or anywhere. I have never advocated for people to change what and how much they consume. I never said one thing about that - you have.. out of desperation to steer the debate away from that which you have no answer for - record smashing disasters. Primitive debating tactic.

Since you brought it up, every person on the planet could be fake green, energy/consumption hypocrites, but it still does not disprove AGW. Clearly you were not on the debating team in Jr high school, Eddy.

If a rapist-murder was preaching that murder and rape are bad and wrong, do you discount his claim, because he is a hypocrite?

If a hard core junkie tells a bunch of kids to stay away from Fentanyl and Meth, do you tell the kids he is wrong because he is using Fentanyl & Meth? No, because hypocrisy does not prove anything other than a person is a hypocrite.

Dude, this is kindergarten logic and rhetoric.

Doing something about it? What throw rocks at it? There is nothing to be done because the humans are not in charge of anything. Look at any simple energy extraction and consumption graph for the last 50 years and it becomes plain as day that almost no one has done anything to curb their energy/consumption, including all the loud hypocritical left-wing greens and the growing number of rights who are getting worried about climate destruction to come .

Q= What creature in nature gives up their energy advantage? A=none.

SEE: The Maximum Power Princple

Now if you go back to the energy graphs (extraction and consumption), which I know you are familiar with, you can see they are all hockey sticks with the exception of 1 year mini dips or rather plateaus from the GFC and Covid, you have to ask yourself, what are the pro growth denier crowd so scared of Greta and such, when the last 35 years have seen the biggest economic boom in human history? Any pro growther would be ecstatic since every single piece of data demonstrates they got every thing they wanted, even if they personally struck out. It makes no sense why anyone would be scared of Greta and the so called fight against climate change when LESS THAN ZERO has ever been done to slow down. There's only one thing that explains the extreme level of paranoia and anger against Greta & Co, including death threats to climate scientists and their families. So what can get a group of people angry at a threat that does not exist? A targeted propaganda campaign is what. Ha ha, I wonder how many nights enraged deniers lay awake with visions of hurting Greta and climate scientists? I judge the environmental movement starting in the US, 1970 Earth Day #1 - since then the human/consumer population has more than doubled and everything went in the opposite direction of which way the environmentalism mandate wanted it to go. Also, within that time frame untold thousands of warnings, many dire, have gone unheeded.

Even if I gave a hoot about the human species or the planet, I would still not advocate for radical human behavioral change, since humans do not posses the power to change themselves, same as leopard cannot change it's spots. The only way humans could change enough would be to alter their DNA and self speiciate. I've been saying the same thing for over 25 years -humans are incapable of altering their behaviour and every year I am proven more right. The forever hopium smokers have told me I am wrong for over 25 years, each year more destructive and dire than the last. To date, their efforts have been pointless and they just regurgitate and repackage the same failed schemes year after year. Evolution and the MPP dictate what humans do not humans - we are just along for the ride.

Over 25 years ago I predicted that the humans would continue to talk, but never give up their energy/consumption. Ok a few folks have, but they are statically insignificant. They do not show up on any hockey stick graph.

The human capacity for denial and willful ignorance has no ceiling. Accepting the things one cannot change is difficult for most humans due to the powerful illusion of freewill.


Below are a few of today's low-lights


*‘Most of it was dead’: scientists discover one of Great Barrier Reef’s worst coral bleaching events*


"Analysis of high-resolution drone imagery concludes 97% of corals died at a Lizard Island reef between March and June this year


At least 97% of corals on a reef in the Great Barrier Reef’s north died during one of the worst coral bleaching events the world’s biggest reef system has ever seen, according to new analysis."


“I was horrified,” said Macquarie University marine biologist Prof Jane Williamson"




Perhaps they will try and hide it from the tourists as has been done before. Profitable in the short term, but the customer is unlikely to return when they find out they were duped. Tourism provides many jobs and revenue for Australia and it's going bye bye.


Here's a few from -- https://x.com/extremetemps

“Another heat wave in EUROPE from West to East with the first records already falling:

“Cabauw in NETHERLANDS had a Tmin of 20.2C [68.4F] the highest min ever recorded and June and only tropical night. Next days record heat also in Scandinavia and Baltic countries.”


“MIDDLE EAST HEAT WAVE: Records fell …between Turkey and Syria; Hottest June day on records:

“46.5 [115.7F] Kamshili SYRIA; 43.0 Adiyaman TURKEY.”



“Just one day after reaching 50C [122F] and its hottest June day in history, today it’s the June hottest night ever recorded in China with an insane minimum temperature of 34.7C at Toksun [94.5F].”

Those stories and more can be found at today's Climate Roundup

*27th June 2024 Today’s Round-Up of Climate News*



Below it today's Bonus article

**New study links political ignorance and national narcissism to climate change denial**

"A recent study published in The Journal of Social Psychology has uncovered a significant link between understanding of politics and belief in climate change conspiracies. Researchers found that individuals with a lower political knowledge are more likely to have a stronger sense of national pride, which further encouraged the endorsement of conspiracy theories denying climate change."

Despite this, a portion of the population remains skeptical, swayed by conspiracy theories that claim climate change is a hoax orchestrated by scientists and nefarious entities to control the population.

The authors then noted, “individuals high in collective narcissism are motivated to show everyone that their ingroup does not succumb to pressure from other groups and international organizations,” and suggested that this attitude could foster belief in climate change conspiracy theories."


Did not need no study to tell us that. It does mesh with my observations on the paradox of angry & paranoid deniers in fear of losing their fossil fuel freedom, when all evidence for decades points to the exact opposite being the case.

I challenge anyone to show alternative data.

Here's data from last year

*2023 Set Records in Global Fossil Fuel Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions*


"In 2023, the world consumed more oil, coal and natural gas than any time in history, according to the Energy Institute’s “Statistical Review of World Energy.”



These numbers are typical for past years - most years have set new records.

YET climate deniers this very moment are all over the internet screaming bloody murder - "It a hoax to steal our fossil fuels, wa wa wa poor me the permanent victim". No threat and the exact opposite of denier predictions has happened.

More fossil fuels every year.

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Thank you B🙏

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Great summary of our probable future. Thank you for writing it all out for reading and contemplation.

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I speculate that Texas and Louisiana holding the last of the American oil cards, will begin to ask why are they exporting oil to DC and New York for little return, and begin to work out bilateral trade agreements with those states and countries with agricultural products to sell.

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There is rumored to be a LOT of oil in Alaska, discovered and capped-off under Carter.

It's Top-Secret.

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Interesting speculation as to what events may unfold.

I realised that if I had read your comment outside of the context of reading this article beforehand, my first instinct might have been "Man, this is 9 out of 10 on the "weird shit-o-meter".

But when I think about it in the context of the persuasive argument put forward by the author of the substack post, I think "Gee, this is really quite plausible if things rapidly unfold".

My hypothesis is that whatever is going to unfold, the likelihood of it unfolding is increasing exponentially with every passing day. This article reinforces rhat hypothesis.

Kinda makes me want to put more effort into my "survivalist" instincts (becoming debt free, expanding my own back yard vegie patch) rather than political activism of any sort! Anyway that is just how it makes me feel and think at this point in time . . .

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Hey man thanks! I was thinking of something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Export_Land_Model

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An excellent and well reasoned article B. I hope that it can reach a very large audience

V Many thanks.

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It would make sense to exterminate everyone ... before we reach the tipping point and BAU collapses ... resulting in the Gates of Hell opening.

Oh right... they are exterminating everyone

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"Sooner or later though, the oil shock will hit, and the music will stop playing. Everybody will be desperately looking for a seat (except for Europe bleeding out on the floor already). As the first wave of panic is over, however, people all around the world will start to adapt to this new reality, but currently there are no models to predict how exactly this will play out. We will be in completely uncharted territory."

A similar narrative w/ helpful strategies and lists of supplies necessary to surviveworldcollapse.com

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I am on your team. I have been on this team for 50 years.

for your readers what happens in the next 80 years:

Civilization's: "Running out of gas" story. 9 minute animation


Summary of my work https://www.evernote.com/l/AAmZY0Hicy9KbLmuRpZRVAjtdR3UQC_bhEE

full content www.skil.org

Please contact me directly

Jack Alpert PhD Director:

Stanford Knowledge Integration Laboratory http://www.skil.org

(C) 913 708 2554 jackalpert4@gmail.com

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We've been on that same-team for 50 years, Jack. I wasn't sure I'd live to be old.

Here I am. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/

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Thanks B. You have written an article that I write a couple of times per year, so I'll use yours this time.

I learned about The Limits To Growth almost/maybe precisely 10 years ago in 10th grade in Yokohama. The oil-embargo was happening. It all made perfect sense.

If I may point out the x-axis on that World-3 BAU model. Peak industrial output is in the rearview-mirror, end of 2018...

Your predictions are all underway. Post-peak industrial output looked like COVID lockdowns and "going direct" to TBTF global banks and casinos.

"Killing some folks" is the strategy to prevent resource shortages, also well underway.

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This was excellent, I'll recommend to others.

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For at least 1,301 people-pilgrims your "somewhat later." climate prediction came somewhat sooner.

<b>2024 Hajj disaster</b>

"Between the 14 and 19 June 2024, at least 1,301 people on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca died due to extreme heat, with temperatures exceeding 50 °C (122 °F), making it one of the deadliest Hajj[1] to date.[2][3] Extreme heat caused heat stroke and dehydration, leading to the deaths. The hottest recorded temperature reported in the Grand Mosque of Mecca was 51.8 °C (125.2 °F).[4] At least 2,764 cases of heat-related illness, like heat stroke, were reported on 16 June.[5] One person was killed in a crowd crush, but it was unspecified if this was related to the heat.[6]"


Any readers who have not yet experienced 51.8 °C (125.2 °F) temperatures, it's just a matter of time...unless you go live in the Antarctic or you're 90.

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Net energy (usable per barrel produced) and net energy production (per unit time) are both essential to understand. To clarify the difference, I suggest something like the following.

In the US for example, net energy has been falling since mid-20th century when most technological advances had occurred and the easiest oil sources discovered. Measured by EROEI as a ratio of energy per barrel expended, it has gone from about 100/1 in 1950 to around 12-15/1 today and is dropping exponentially.

Whereas, as you say, net energy production globally looks to peak this decade. Only net production is usable oil. Most production time graphs are gross production, and are misleading because they falsely imply that all that production is usable.

In my writing on the subject, I often include peak global discovery (barrels/year) which was circa 1965.

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I remember reading the "Limits to Growth" study when it came out (c. 1972). This fascination with computer modeling is part of why I became a Systems Analyst. I actually believed the findings which, among other things, implicated CO2. I was probably about 18 at the time and I suppose you could say that was my "woke" period. In the following years I began to understand that the report came from the Club of Rome which was just part of the constellations of globalist NGO's: the UN, WHO, WEF, Blackrock etc. I had an awakening and began to understand the CO2 (.04 percent of the atmosphere) was not a problem (it increases food yields) and what these globalist NGO's really wanted was collectivist control of the entire planet. So pardon me if I am skeptical of the "Recalibration23" project. Just as we never had significant "global warming" or "global cooling" I doubt that resources (oil) will diminish as fast as they predict. We probably have a good 100 years to find a new sustainable source of energy . . . perhaps even Tesla's "free energy." As the Beatles once said "tomorrow never knows."

The real problem, at the moment, is to stop the entire globalist agenda. And to that end I cobbled together what I call the "Put People First Agenda." You can read through all of the current planks in my latest essay.


The revolution is officially called off. LOL

Share widely and make sure you watch the embedded video: "Here's How Illegals Are Voting in America."

It is now abundantly clear that the 2024 Presidential Election is not a fair and free election. What we are now witnessing is a globalist Democrat Party coup against the American People fueled by a massive attempt to register Illegal Aliens to vote while keeping other ineligible voters (including dead voters) on the voting rolls. This, in turn, allows massive ballot harvesting, of ineligible voters, in order to flip the election toward a Harris win.

Why a Harris win will rightfully foment a 2nd American Revolution

The Globalist Democrats have illegally gamed the system for a fraudulent Harris win


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Get ready to study indigenous cultures with no significant energy source other the human and domesticated animal.This is a potential landing area for a few living far away from shallow coastlines . The Amish model or fuedal eropean could be the the future for remaining peoples . The earth has no affinity toward any life form ,just providing a suitable place for oxygen dependent forms .

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Great article!

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Definite maybe. Whether this future plays out or we enter a new utopia is going to rest on Ai. If it doesn't wipe us out and it reaches super intelligence all bets are off. We are a bunch of screeching monkeys that are really good at throwing shit at each other but we know almost nothing. 2025-2030 is going to be quite a ride. A super intelligence will open a whole new world hopefully it takes us along for the ride as its pets.

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