I wonder if it could be technically possible to design a lethal virus that attacks according to the level of greed?

Sadly not, but it's the only thing that could 'save us' now.

I feel most sorry for all the sentient other creatures of our collective only planet.

It does seem as though for a large chunk of Humanity, the 'Avatar' films were a tragedy not for the locals, but the interstellar mining companies.

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Somewhere in this, there appears to be an answer to the Drake equation question, ie Why can't we find other advanced civilisations in the galaxy? Just maybe there is no way of moving from a chemical-based energy system to a physical-based one.

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Absolutely shocking but predictable that deep sea mining is being seriously considered. Not sure if you've seen the movie 'Angry Inuk', but it highlights well the disparity between Indigenous ways of life (traditional, life sustaining seal hunting) and white settler 'morality' and extractive policies. Living in Canada sometimes feels like our government is just the logging & oil industries in a trenchcoat.

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Thanks for this post, AND, about the "Renewables cannot be made by renewables" issue: you can find much more about the same basic problem in this recent summary of mine of three videos full of data: https://mfioretti.substack.com/p/no-petroleum-and-minerals-no-problem

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"There's a hole in the bottom of the sea..."


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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Interesting. But I hear about polymetallic nodules for decades now.

And I wonder if their mining or exploitation on a large scale is economically feasible. Because, like any other ressources, if customers cannot afford the end products, the ressource won't be exploited. Hopefully, it will be case.

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Homo colossus hard at work. The life defying deeds of the tool-animal gone mad. Thanks for this dive into something that will not go away and what will go away. That messy stream of disturbed material trailing behind these operations would choke any sealife bigger than my baby fingernail. Can't make a good life while focusing on nasty deaths, wherever you look.

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