Excellent read. I must admit that I'm extremely lazy when it comes to reading about anything that has to do with the financial system, but this was well worth my time. Great, simple explanations to a complex topic. Dire outlook. It increasingly looks like the sooner the system collapses under its own weight, the better. Tragic and precarious nonetheless, but what awaits us if this continues for much longer is so much scarier. I'd be glad if it happens before a nuclear war breaks out or someone starts to (attempt to) geoengineer the climate.

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Thank you B🙏

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This is why usury is a sin

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Civilization ... is a sin.

The can can be kicked for many years.. but eventually ....

It ends with extinction

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Excellent summation of our predicament and how reality is being ‘hidden’ by the story-telling nature of our species—especially the stories being disseminated by those benefitting most from our current practices and trajectory.

I’ve come to believe almost everything today is a racket of one form or another. And by racket, I defer to what U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler stated about this phenomenon with respect to war: “A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.”

And this is where humanity appears to stand at the moment in our history on this planet: rackets are everywhere.

We are surrounded by rackets meant to keep the wealth-extraction/-generation schemes going and remaining in place in one form or another for at least another quarter or election cycle. And the stories associated with them are not only meant to keep the masses ignorant of the fraudulent nature of our practices and institutions, but to get the masses to support and cheerlead them on while ostracising and shouting down the voices that dare challenge or expose them.

And as our descent down the Seneca Cliff speeds up (due, of course, to the limits you discuss), the rackets are expanding in number and size in order to not only siphon more and more wealth from the masses towards the few at the top of our wealth and power structures, but to compensate for the expanding nature of our decline as the surplus energy needed to pursue growth quickly fades.

A perfect positive feedback loop expediting our descent and ensuring the inevitable ‘collapse’ is all the more spectacular and all-consuming in nature.

But, hey, let’s hear another feel-good story about our human ingenuity and technological prowess ‘solving’ all this and humanity living happily-ever-after, holding hands with each other and Nature…that tale is all lot more fun to listen to and believe in. Even if it is only a fairy tale told to make us feel safe and comfortable as the approaching storm grows in size and intensity.

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That's the best definition of "racket" I've ever seen, and it describes an increasing proportion of our economy.

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There will be an energy miracle.

There... I said it.

Oh... and a materials science miracle too.

Don't ask me how I know... that's classified!

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"... when China takes over the leading economic role... "

... and burns through more fossil fuel than anyone else on the planet...

kinda contradicts the idea that...

"... further investments in fossil fuels. That would be a disaster for the climate, ecosystems and our health alike... "

China and India are burning whatever they can get their hands on to be Kings of the world while the West continues to flagellate itself into oblivion.

We can do without the climate change caused by CO2 output end of the world propaganda when it clearly does not apply to BRICS nations especially China.

When are people going to learn that this agenda is about crushing the West and western values into obsolescence so that a dystopian transhumanist totalitarian technocracy can take its place.

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I don't know why the elites are giving energy to a low IQ India. China has the low-trust issue. None look like good civilizational investments but I guess docility and force sounds good for the elites.

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I would say many in those population centers absolutely love the idea of "docility and force."

Pretty much all "leadership" has always viewed the populace as throwaway units of labor. In more recent times, the leadership figured out it was okay to allow the throwaway units some "freedoms" such as international vacations that also increased their bottom line, but at the end of the day... they're still throwaway units of labor.

And when there's a surplus you gotta ditch some weight overboard.

Which is the point we're at now.

And then there's Africa...

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