Eagerly awaiting the next installment! ✨️💕

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Have you read Charles Galton Darwin's The Next Million Years? As I vaguely recall, it struck a similar pessimistic note...

And do these facts explain the seeming eagerness of Western governments to murder their infirm and/or elderly residents?

On a slightly more positive note, nothing is forever including "forever" chemicals..Nature breaks down everything....

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Replacing hydrogens in hydrocarbons with fluorines does make remarkably stable chemicals...

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Not quite stable enough, it seems, because the fluoride salt still damages very young brains, reducing IQ...

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Different situation, as stannous (Tin) fluoride is not a forever-chemical, but a water soluble salt, which sodium fluoride is and sodium monofluorophosphate is.

When fluorine replaces hydrogen-bound-to-carbon, it is hard to disassociate from the carbon, whereas the ionic bonds in toothpaste salts of fluorine disassociate in water.

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Thank you for talking about the existential threat of #Spermageddon. Rachel Carson had warned us back in 1962 of a 'Silent Spring' which is now, in 2025, beyond an 'Alarming Autumn' and seems to be rapidly approaching a 'Wasteland Winter'. Women's rights to determine their own reproduction matters for relative socio-ecological justice. Every child not born is a child that will neither suffer collapse, nor contribute to it.

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Alternative, less lethal-sounding hypothesis for the decline in male fertility: https://grundvilk.substack.com/p/where-have-all-the-little-wigglers. As to iron and steel -- the US hasn't exhausted its fairly good iron ore (iron mining is still going on in Minnesota), and there is still a whole lot of coal on the domestic horizon that can be used to make that iron into steel. Steel tariffs should be helpful in supporting domestic iron and steel production -- and -- truth to tell -- domestic demand for steel is relatively low compared to that of WWII to mid- and late 20th century. So, there should be enough for a few drill rods.

In the meantime, support your local pea and corn farmers (see link above for the reference).

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If it weren't for bad science, we'd have no science, even in your piece here. Correlation is NOT causation. My extensive research on the subject of falling fertility/fecundity leads me to hypothesize that "population density stress" is the cause of falling sperm counts and increasing loss of fecundity. As for falling fertility, PEW survey reports that 47% of Americans 18-50 are CHOOSING not to have children. Want documentation? Google "Stress R Us" for the free PDF at Stanford. Have a blessed day.

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Bio regional.com promotes One Planet Living complete with a ten point One Planet Living framework and inspirational You Tubes



They are based in the UK. I emailed them asking if a model of what life would be like in the UK if that country was living on a One Planet Living level in terms of housing, lifestyle, transportation, energy use, agriculture - the actual concrete nitty gritty details. The reply - they didn’t have that information. Seems to me you need that as a model to aim at. The countries that are listed as being at a One Planet Living level - are typically African countries. India a few years ago was close but still above the one planet living. Even Costa Rica is at the 2 level.

It seems to me even with best efficient practices and equitable distribution of resources One Planet Living may meet basic needs but be at a level of lifestyle below what the typical American or German is used to at best.

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Regenerative Family Farming IS the New Manufacturing

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We are the Eloi. Fossil fuels are the Morlock. H.G. Wells got the year wrong.

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I like that you did not mention global warming for once.... I agree - we are paving over the planet and destroying the environment with plastics and chemicals...

As for one world govt... we've had that for over a century now

Prior to the current folks who run the world, a small group of Brits ran most of the world.

How does a small group of people run the entire world? The same way a major multinational corporation is run. You have the board of directors who call the shots, you have senior managers who are highly paid to execute on the game plan, lower level managers who are well compensated and incentivized by the possibility of a promotion. And finally you have the foot soldiers, the workers, who have bills to pay and do what they are told in exchange for a reward (otherwise known as a salary).


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We now have:

Elon Musk 'Tech Messiah'

And the important role he plays in feeding barnyard animals hopium

Elon Musk is an actor foisted upon the world stage by The Ministry of Truth for the purpose of convincing the barnyard animals that the future is bright. And if it’s not, we’ll all shift to Mars and start over again (despite the fact that there is no water, air, or fossil fuels on that planet and it’s bombarded by deadly radiation just as the moon is).


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Hi. I kind of agree with a lot of things you write. But not always. People should be careful and detect partisan intentions among (hidden among?) very valid propositions.

The belief that human ingenuosity will always produce solutions to any problem we face or create is way older than G.H. Wells. This belief is closely linked to the philosophical human-centric worldview weary of, or despising nature, which totally underpins our tecnological civilization (West, East, North and South). You can find this belief in the Epic of Gilgamesh already and in the Bible. And of course the Moderns (among them the most influential one, Francis Bacon) set the stage in the same way for all the scientific ideology to come. It is also a predicate to the current myth of the eternal growth taught everywhere (West, East, North and South) in all economic universities and professed by every politician in the world (West, East, North and South).

And sometimes I can read such whoopers in your articles that they cannot be random mistakes. Europe’s (and by the way the rest of the West’s) long economic slump, which is now threatening the world with a major war... REALLY? Are you REALLY so simple-minded? Europe is threatening the world with a major war? What esle than the iron-clad Russian propaganda would care to utter such an absurdity? Europe, including the UK, is quite weak on its own for many reasons (and clearly is on its own now with Trump in charge of the U.S.A.) and has a lot to fear in the new ruthless world order that Trump, Putin and Xi are redrawing. More than ever Europe must unite and create its own army with a nuclear capability, getting somewhat close to the Russians'. It is now a matter of survival for Europe's independence. But I'm afraid European leaders still haven't learnt the lesson.

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What’s the story with the Russian propaganda that has Europe starting a war? Genuinely interested. Haven’t been following world politics much.

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Ask B (and read what he writes). There is no story about Europeans starting a war because Europe has no intention whatsoever to "threaten the world with a war." But what is true, unfortunately, is that since Putin invaded Ukraine with unimaginable destructions, a peaceful and and democratic neighbour, Killing and raping many thousands of civilians, as Hitler had invaded Austria, then Czechoslovakia, then Poland, then many other countries, the constant propaganda or the Russian regime was (and still is) that the real aggressor is the "West" comprising Europe and the UK.

You wont hear anything else from the Russian media including the Internet totally controlled by Putin, and from operatives of the Russian troll mills or from remunerated bloggers very active on all social media in the free countries.

Now that the U.S.A. itself is joining the fascist club of Russia and China, allying itself with these dictatorships against the European democracies (jus listen to J.D. Vance's address at the Munich Security Conference, supporting the far right parties in Europe and praising Putin just as Trump does all the time). This anti Uktainian and anti European propaganda, which was so far limited to the Russain regime and its propagandists, will be more and more present in the United States' MAGA media and its diplomacy, as the world shifts to another, entirely different order.

It is time, extremely rurgent actually, for Europe to wake up.

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Totally agree about the Russian and American threat. So is the idea that by painting Europe as a war aggressor that violence from Russia is warranted?

I get the free speech propaganda thats giving rise to Fascism and that the US wants greater fascism and media can help. I obviously see it as propaganda and terrible but at least it’s logical . The waring Europe idea is just so far fetched to me, i feel like I’m missing something because its so nonsensical

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Is the accusation that Russia is doing something the USA has never done? That America has not armed and condoned the genocide in Gaza? There are some victims we are suppose to forget and some victims who are covered 24/7. NATO is Europe and America and NATO is aggressive. NATO has been pushing eastwards and encircling Russia contrary to promises not to do so. America is playing hard geopolitics for its own interests. Who do you think blew up the Nord 2 pipeline? The Russians who only need to turn off the supply instead of a messy explosion? America has been going fascist long before Trump. Trump may accelerate that by his aggressive attitude against China and Russia.

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China and Russia are led by hardcore, dictatorial regimes where there is no individual freedom, no rule of law, no protection for minorities, no free press or media. They are as close as it gets to the definition of fascism. Unfortunately, the United States is taking this path and this is very scary for any person in this country who is not in the MAGA cult. NATO is not aggressive; governments joining NATO always did it willingly. Ukrainians are entitled to their democratic decisions, liberty, and independence. NATO, unlike Russsia, never invaded a free country, killing thousands of civilians as the Russain regime did. This is what is real, regardless of the Russian propaganda here.

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NATO in eastern Europe is in breech of NATO promises NOT TO is akin to Russia setting up a military base in Mexico or Cuba. NATO is utterly aggressive. Blowing up the Nord 2 pipeline is an act of aggression. It's purpose is to further expand the USA's imperial designs. The Ukraine War provoked by the USA is part of the "great game" to control central Asia and to control access to resources because coming shortages. The strategy of the USA in light of peak oil is "last man standing", thus the smash and grab of recent wars pursued by the Imperial States of America.

Yes there is little freedom in China and Russia but America doesn't care about that. America has never cared about the freedom of the people in fascist countries supported and propped by and armed by the USA. Saudi Arabia is an example. Hell, every president since 2000 has been eroding freedom in the USA itself. Palestine, under the control of that illegal state and stubborn non signatory to the NNPT Israel. Zelzensky has 16% popular support in the Ukraine so take that as an endorsement for "freedom" if you like.

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What you write here is pure Russian propaganda and rife with falsehoods. The most frightening thing for all democratic countries in Europe (the first one on the line of the Russian firepower being, of course, Ukraine) is Trump now clearly adopting word for word the Putin talking points, reversing the American alliances: Trump is making the U.S. an ally of Russia and an enemy of democratic countries in Europe.

To be short (I cannot respond to all the lies you propagate here), there never was a NATO promise to deny countries NATO membership, never ever. Not even from any NATO country single-handedly. Many ideas were flown by this or that person at the time of the German reunification, including the possibility of Russia joining NATO (there, of course, you can pick and choose whatever is convenient for your narrative), but you won't find any documents "promising" to bar any country from joining NATO, because there are none.

What is very real, though, is that for Ukraine to abandon its nuclear arsenal inherited from the USSR (about one third, much more than any small nuclear country like the UK, France, or Israel), in the Budapest Memorandum (1994), a very official agreement was signed by Ukraine, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom committing all parties to assure Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In the memorandum, the U.S., Russia, and the UK committed to (1) “respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine” and (2) “refrain from the threat or use of force” against the country. In this document, you won't find any mention of a NATO commitment not to increase membership.

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A great article. In addition to PFAS and Phthalates, there are just SO MANY chemicals, heavy metals, and medical waste that is either ubiquitous in our environment - or might as well be - that alarm bells should be going off everywhere as badly as anything to do with continental burning from accumulated green-house gases.

The current solution has been to talk about one or two problems, and solve them - perhaps legitimately so - while everything else gets worse in the background.

I have seen new ads on youtube for a pro-glysophate group, which is absolute madness. I worked with a man who had gotten cancer from glysophate and who knows how long he really has even with treatment. America is not even well informed on roundup or herbicides in general because the media gets those stories out of circulation as fast as possible.

And to me, the worst thing about this all, is that the world-wide accumulation of radiation from bomb testing, accidents and consumer uses are completely ignored. Every year this slow burning fire does damage - nearly imperceptible, but damage none the less - to our genome that at some point is going to compound with the overt and very perceptible damage caused by pollutants.

During the ongoing Ukraine war, at some point the Russians found where the DU rounds NATO sent them were being stored, hit it with an Iskander missile and made a mushroom cloud so large it looked like a nuclear detonation. Well after three days of seeing the radiation cloud on the tracker, the EU turned the trackers off and never turned them back on - just like what happened with Fukushima under Obama and the radiation spreading from there across the pacific.

And the real problem is, nothing can really be done about it other than preventing anymore radiation from entering the environment and then having to live for generations with the suffering necessary for the radiation to dilute itself down to a level where it is not a practical problem. Just wait for a spent-fuel pool to ignite and the zircon fuel rods to burn and burn until they are nothing but ash because nothing can put out that fire, and no one will remember Fukushima or Chernobyl.

You would think 1 out of 36 kids being born with autism would send civilization into a panic - and even if the ratio isn't that extreme, for it to be even 1 and a 1000 is what I would expect to see from a population exposed to some sort of cataclysmic event like a nuclear war. Instead everyone is busy hoping that green energy, nuclear reactors, and LNG are going to power us into a new golden age with colonies on Mars and the moon, and that is enough to make me sick.

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Nice read 👍🏼

So basically we're waiting for Godot, as a military usurper on a global level who can make utopia is unlikely.

It's just sad, to have so much, to be within touching difference of utopia, peace on earth, and yet it being so impossible, not least because of the rotten core of ourselves and our values.

Sometimes I really do think the pole shift or the 2032 asteroid are the best solution. My thesis is the powers that be have allowed humanity to embrace tech just to see if they're able to come together and save themselves before the next planetary reset, which being inevitable, will wipe the slate clean. What can I say, I'm an optimist.

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Thanks for the article. I've been meaning to bring this up for a while, but I wondered if you knew about the option for adding footnotes in Substack? It's in the "Style" dropdown menu in the toolbar within the post editor (according to Google, I don't have a Substack), and it allows us to hover over your footnotes whilst continuing to read the articles. It saves going to the bottom and then back up and try and find our place again. Maybe it's something you don't like the function of, or whatever, but I thought I'd point it out anyway, it might be of some use. Not a criticism! Thanks for the essay, very useful as always.

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If we still have these concrete issues of “reality” (ie that nature, climate, weather etc are in charge, rather than us)- and they will always be more powerful than humanity- what is- or was ever- the point? I hope we aren’t only continuing this project of humanity due to biological impulses as though we were still animals. And most importantly- if we have not yet overcome these basic things (I’ve always tended to believe that everything has been worked out, the elite just keep it a secret) why have the “brilliant minds” of our times such as Jobs, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos focused on far less important matters such as phones and apps? Are brilliant people not capable of being brilliant across the board?

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