A future of scythes and swords?

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A Storm of swords...and eventually clubs...George RR Martin's world...

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Glass arrow-heads and sharpened rebars...

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Gone be gunz in 'murka for a long time yet.

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We're witnessing the death throes of capitalism. Hang on because it's going to get worse😞

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"In light of the above it’s even harder to understand how European elites could be so irresponsible."

it's not fucking hard at all, you genius, it's part of the plan laid down by those who created the club of rome, which gets so many praises on this channel. You, together with your family, will be exterminated. Genocide on the grand scale. The only people capable enough, if they would wake the fuck up, to oppose the depopulation and the creation of a world government are those of European ancestry.

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If there has been a "depopulation agenda" since 1972, it's has been the biggest corporate failure in human history. In 50 years since then the population has more than doubled, we're currently adding 250,000 new humans every year, net after deaths.

Someone needs to wake up to ecological overshoot, check out the book by William Catton.

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Mark while I obviously don't agree with Joe's controlled opposition Club of Rome false conspiracy theory, you are strawmanning him with your timeline argument because there would be no reason for the Global Elites to start forced global depopulation in 1972 when the LTG systems analysis didn't forecast the LTG as arriving until 2020 (when the fake ass plandemic hit that did in fact *manufacture* millions of deaths and maimings).


So even though Joe's is a false conspiracy theory heavily peddled by they Intel services in service of, in my opinion, the Non-Public Degrowth Agenda, we can still understand how it came to be that so many fell for it - to the point where it is now the accepted view of the emerging new political establishment across the globe.

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How do I block people on Substack? Can't seem to find it when I really need it.

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Gosh Jan i really couldnt say but it sounds like youre in a real bind. Maybe if you get desperate enough in your passive aggression you can just lobby B to ban the person. we Certainly dont want you feeling like your comfy life has been upended.

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Jan's busy growing turnips ... and his neighbours - who grow nothing -- know who's face to rip off... when the super markets go empty....

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Jan a man?

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That proves you are an idiot. It's quite easy you know. I've already blocked you.

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You baby

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Wait. The pandemic was in fact a PLANdemic but there's definitely no depopulation plan?

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No, not as such. That would be the dumbest thing that they could do. Way way way too risky. Impossibly so. Besides, why the hell would they do that when peak oil Collapse is gonna kill almost everyone off anyway? Makes no sense. Will they try and politically manage the famines as they see fit? Sure but that's not the same thing. The plandemic's primary function was to destroy 30pc of global oil demand for 1,5 years such that it could buy 5 more years before collapse, The secondary function was to catalyze the cultural collapse of globalism and replace it with national socialism, the anti marxist and anti finance capitalist, conservative left libertarian third way populist politics which is historically the most resilient socioeconomics during hard times.

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Sure. Totally impossible. There is no chance 8 billion of starving, freezing serfs will revolt when everything collapses. They won't try to kill, hang, hunt those they deem responsible for it. Why not strike first?

It was totally safe for Hitler to attack Russia or for Ceausescu to starve Romanians to the breaking point. Psychos make grand plans and their narcissistic nature is prone to make them see less risk than there actually are. Anyone who excludes a depopulation agenda can do it at its.own peril. I am not willing to take any chances with these evil, lying bastards. Most of you are. Good luck. For both me and you. The future will prove one of us right. I pray it's you.

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Dec 9Edited

Joe, if you do not believe that peak total global oil liquids happened in 2018 -- which is the simplest representation of industrial civilization having hit its limits to growth -- then we are discussing a theoretical depopulation plan at cross purposes.

As I've said, if what we are at the beginning of is a structural collapse due to affordable energy depletion -- and it is -- then that collapse necessarily includes population collapse as a closely trailing indicator. Any attempted managing of the population collapse dynamics DOES NOT MEET the definition of a depopulation agenda. It meets the definition of Elite BAU under the worst of circumstances. Two very different things.

What you have been tricked into seeing, is a head-fake depopulation agenda (all of the Great Reset deal is a grand misdirection play), the purpose of which is to collapse the neoliberal status quo that is structurally unfit for the monetary degrowth (to put it euphemistically) that is coming, and instead manufacture the dissident consent for national socialisms (conservative nationalist populisms) around the entire world. The dam on neoliberalism just broke in the US which always has to be at the cutting edge of events because it is the structural center of global empire -- and Europe will follow next year. Sahra Wagenknecht, for example will be German chancellor within a year. With the literary eyes to see, the Hidden Hand of the Non-Public Degrowth Agenda is very obviously about to fuck with the AFD in such a way as to catalyzes a reaction that propels Wagenknecht's party to power, but then again for years I've divined that W was 'destined' to lead Europe during collapse in the same way that Merkel did during the peak years, because W's outlier conservative left libertarian politics (national socialism) is structurally required for the Degrowth Agenda (DA).

If, as a livestock farmer myself, I can take Peak Oil Theory and figure out a good approximation of reason-based DA, then the top of the hierarchy of the hierarchical civilization can do that in its sleep. Discreet hierarchies, like this civilization, are unitary entities. Will that unitary entity come under stress upon reaching the LTG? Of course. But as long as the physical civilization has not broken apart into multiple, completely independent thermodynamic sinks, there can be zero justification for reasoning that the unitary management of this unitary hierarchy with a single private central banking system making everything that happens possible -- that we call globalization -- has faltered.

I'm now talking to you, Mark, and you Jan, and you B, and most everyone else here. Do not hide behind your mechanistic, self-organizing totalitarianism. That just 'flat-earths' the reality. As I've said before - top-down systems do emerge from self-organizing behavior but once emerged, they only remain self-organizing within the top-down organizational elite. Self-organization becomes a nested meta- phenomenon within the elite because in a hierarchical system the elite is the structural decision-making center. This should be self-evident and no different from how a nested, metaconscious mind emerged from a more primitive, instinctual brain of subcognition that our metaconsciousness now refers to as our subconscious. The two elite, emergent metadynamics -- biological and civilizational -- share the same organic fractal.

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"They" needed emergency-powers and cover to "go direct" in the bailout, too. It was desperate for Globo-Cap, as evidenced by the Repo-Crisis in August/September 2019, following that end-2018 peak-oil-plus-condensates.

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Hey Boss great to see you. :)

Yeah for sure the 2019 repo crisis served as esoteric, timely confirmation for them of the 2 Year Rule of Peak Oil. The repo crisis came 1 year after peak Total Liquids, and it's arrival was probably/presumably what catalyzed the formal global non-public mobilization of the Sino-American-led teevee dinner plandemic brought to you by your local wet market. Or was it your local lab leak? Or was it none of the above (ding ding ding)?

The plandemic was rolled-out 1.5 years after Peak Total Liquids in order to safely front-run the 2 Year Rule, because the Elites can do this Degrowth shit in their sleep.

Here's the 2 Year Rule of peak oil: 1970 was peak conventional US oil production and 2 years later was the energy shock and the dollar went off gold and the US surrounded thd ME and forced the world onto the petrodollar. 1989 was soviet peak oil and collapse 2 years later, 1999 was global peak cheap oil in inflation-adjusted terms and 2 years later was the 9/11 inside job that started the oil wars. 2005 was global peak conventional oil production, coming just 5 years after the godfather of PO theory, petro geologist M King Hubbert, calculated that it would back in the 50s. 2 years later the GFC hit and organic global economic growth ended forever. 2018 was the final peak, of total global oil liquids, and the global elites front-ran the collapse 1.5 years later by collapsing demand by 30pc for 1.5 years in order to buy 5 years so they could manufacture consent for a new politics of Collapse which just arrived with MAGAMAHA.

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them conspironuts again

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Hey Norm, long time no see old friend. Old being the operative word. ;) If you plan on engaging in deep ideas here, I'd appreciate it if you took care to accurately distinguish between rational arguments and irrational ones independently of their relationship to whatever it is for you that constitutes the threshold of conspiracy theory. I'd appreciate it if you remain mindful of your anatomy of judgement at all times. Thanks.

I look forward to again enjoying your venerated, fundamentally structuralist contributions to this field.

In structuralism, then.

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Of course it is. I just try to slightly sugarcoat it for these naive fools.

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The barnyard animals are morons...

They can see that affordable energy is in deep depletion ... what the f789 do they think will happen when the dam busts?

Idiots on their hobby farms... think they'll live like farmer Brown... tending their flocks and harvesting their veggies... gathering the eggs...

Total F789ing Idiots (TFIs)....

They dismiss the fact that they will be overrun by desperate hungry violent mobs who will rip up their gardens and murder and rape the farmers and their families... Duh... how f789ing difficult is it to understand that?

Nope. Just keep on pulling weeds and singing KOOMbaya... believing all will be well.

TFIs... on steroids ... dunces.. morons... retards... fools....

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Depopulation Plan!!!! YES!! The Trilateral Commission, The Pope, and the Masons have all joined Forces with Joe and Fast Eddy to impose the INCEL LIFESTYLE EVERYONE......If they can't get a little knooky, no-one can!!

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Your logic is flawed. Surely if some corporate body was bothered about over-population, they would enact policies to prevent it getting there in the first place, rather than wait until the over-population happened and then try and reduce it?

Why do people with your views over-estimate the intelligence of those in charge?

The only thing they are interested in is profits and power. If you depopulate on purpose, you lose profits, you know, because if successful that would mean less people buying stuff, hence less profits. That is all they care about, and the power that comes with that. Elon Musk is a prime example, wanting 80 billion people.

The other thing is, there is no unified 'them', the elites are competing with each other to steal their market share. That is all they have been taught to do. Even if they had compassion on the scale required to "save the planet", they wouldn't know how to do it.

I see some people just overthink things.

Growth-overshoot-collapse is a normal evolutionary process, it's a part of nature, that homo sapiens are enacting out on steriods. Stealing resources from other species on the scale we have was never part of that evolutionary process though. Human behaviour is speeding up that process for sure, but collapse would happy anyway at this scale of overshoot, even if we had never had the industrial revolution.

We don't need conspiracy theories to explain what is happening.

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On the contrary, your logic is flawed, Mark, because you don't understand what civilization is, structurally.

This would be a good place for Norm to chime in because he excels at civilizational structuralism.

The structural definition of civilization is an agricultural society that runs structural (year on year) surpluses. Agricultural surpluses mean food surpluses. Human population, as with all other species, always rises to meet the food supply. That's just thermodynamics plus the need to procreate, in action.

Significantly decrease the population and you stop the surpluses, and the civilization collapses. Depopulation and civilization work at cross-purposes to each other.

The civilizational growth requirement is also why the field of degrowth politics could never come to fruition in a preventative manner, certainly not in an industrial civilization running on a finance Capitalism that must service its compound debt. A degrowth agenda can only be implemented in a hospice situation, as B characterized it in his last post. That agenda exists non-publicly, and its 5 years old now.

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You point out the "value to society" of our sociopathic apex-predators in controlling human population, a harsh ecosystem control-system, that we might transcend through accepting and following direct Divine Guidance, an individual choice.

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Beautifully summarized. The Path is narrow and winding until the day you die. Then and only then does the staycation start.

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We have long had a specialized human-apex-predatory class that likes controlling human populations to accord with available resources, by killing-some-folks.

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If you are so worried about the huge increase in population why don't you do everyone a favour and start by reducing your lifestyle. Stop using the internet in the first place. It consumes a lot of energy. Be a positive example. Then, you can take even more drastic measures. Oh, I forgot. You already did when you took several of those shots during the fake pandemic. Tic tac, tic tac.

As for your non sensical argument that population kept growing in the last 50 years and that the agenda has failed, let me tell you something. People werent that gullible 50 or even 20 years ago. You couldn't scare them to death and convince them to destroy their lifestyle with fake plandemics and climate warming/change hoaxes.

Having a real problem, mineral and energy resources that can't last forever, doesn't exclude at all a depopulation agenda. It actually makes a lot of sense. For a group of psychos with no remorse it will be actually a logical step to take. When it's clear that THEIR lifestyle can't be maintained because the serfs consume too much, why wouldn't they try to reduce the number of serfs by any means if that can ensure there's more for them? Do you think the serfs won't revolt when there is no electricity, no food, no freedom? Ofc they will. Ergo, trike first and kill them before they strike back.

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"start by reducing your lifestyle."

My carbon footprint is much lower than yours I am sure, being a quarter of the UK average. And that doesn't factor in that I compost my own food waste and grow a bit of my own food. Gave up driving 20 years ago, along with the freezer. Certainly don't fly anywhere, and I have a meat, dairy and fish free diet.

"Stop using the internet"

Did that for 11 months up to October, got a cheaper deal and now I'm back! So cheap in fact, the provider will go bust within a couple of years and then I'll be internet-less again. Tell you what though, there are a lot of people out there that make sure I won't miss it. I do need the internet for work however, and I'm not quite at retirement age.

"Oh, I forgot. You already did when you took several of those shots during the fake pandemic."

You assume much under your tinfoil hat.

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Dec 9Edited

Huh. Why didnt you get vaxxed then Mark? because you dont think public mandates on obvious soft genetic modification adamantly gaslight-marketed as non-modifying are conspiratorial in any way? Your armchair quarterbacking just didnt agree with the collective self-organizing expertise of the experts? Lol

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Substack seriously needs a "laughing face" vote, or at least a down-vote.

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Blame it on the moms against female teen suicide lobby. MAFTS.

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Yes. For idiots like you.

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La UE esa desmantelando tambien su produccion agricola y ganadera. España, Francia, Paises Bajos, no se si Italia - las huertas de europa- pero supongo que sì, sufren altisimos costos de produccion y cada vez mas complicadisimas y restricitivas normas de funcionamiento. Existe en los medios una orquestada campaña para reducir el consumo de carne y sustituirla por proteina de harina de grillos u otros insectos. Puede parecer una guarrada a cualquiera pero esta funcionando. Por otro lado los jerifaltes de Bruselas ya firmaron los protocolos para que Mercosur, Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay ademas de Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Panamá, Guyana y Surinam se conviertan en los proveedores alimenetarios de europa. Los ciudadanos europeos no pidieron nunca una cosa asi. Pero seguro que para los politicos y los lobies que dominan el mundo es un buen negocio. se llama agenda 2030

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I usually follow your posts with interest, but once you talk about 'Europe' as though it is one country and one economy, then you've lost me. Europe is 27 countries in the European Union. Is that what you mean?

Or do you mean the 44 countries in Europe, including the ones that are not members of the EU?

Or do you mean the 20 countries using the Euro as their currency?

Do you include Britain, that is in Europe but not in the EU? And what about Ireland, close to Britain but in the EU, except for the northern part which is half in, half out of the EU and politically part of Britain?

And then there are northern and southern European economies, some Mediterranean ones with lots of sunshine that are producing lots of solar power, and some northern ones that are producing lots of wind energy, and of course electrified France with 70% nuclear and 15% hydro, that sells excess energy to Germany, Britain and Spain, so is barely affected by fossil gas prices.

If you want to give opinions about the dire state of Europe, I think you need to be MUCH more precise and accurate about where exactly, and why, for your very general opinion-from-a-distance to carry any weight.

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Whatever is the broadest definition you want to think about, it's going down the toilet 😂

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Hey, you are really honest with your name tag! Well done! 😂

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Whatever provides you with comfort, cling to that 😁

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Good one :)

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At the risk of oversimplifying a bit, Germany and its various dependencies.

For the latest confirmation, see how and why Mercosur agreement was signed just days ago.

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Germany is NOT Europe!

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I mean, thats just your opinion man.

Also that was a lot of bullshit just to say. “Please be more specific about what you mean by Europe.”

As for what he means by Europe, I believe he means the German/EU dominated bit. Yknow, the nations in economic freefall right now. The ones that weren’t shit to start with (Britian, eastern europe, meds)

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What kind of "cooperation" do you think would be likely in the event of lower confrontation? I wouldn't expect countries to cooperate on the basis of contracting economies worldwide to better handle the bleaker future that's coming.

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Dec 9Edited

Right. because a cooperation center that cannot hold will not hold.

But there's one outlier, more durable center of cooperation relative to all others that holds that outlier status out of existential necessity. If the grids chaotically collapse and the spent fuel pools lose cooling capacity then that is existential for everyone. So the lone exception to all other forms of economic cooperation is cooperation over the decommissioning and disposal of the nuclear power industry while the ability is still there. That attempt at cooperation will obviously happen regardless of the outcome.

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I like the notion and that may be the one outlier hope but it depends on how rapidly economies fall apart. No-one may be willing, despite the existential threat, to carry on "working" for nothing as their family struggles to stay alive. And it will depend on all the feeder industries for the tools and resources needed to do the decommissioning.

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A lot of good things here, but why not stand up to bullies?

You seem to have bought Putin's claim that "NATO made me invade Ukraine!"

It was still an invasion. You just can't blithely write that off.

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Forsake Jan what is a coup then if not an invasion by other means? If youre going to fall for the DA's geopolitical theater at least fall for the man who rides bears bareback. what kInd of woman doesnt fall that way?

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Coup? What coup? What are you going on about?

Are you claiming the Zelenskyy election was a coup?

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Either youre playing dumb or youre quite a bit less intelligent than i had realized. No, Jan, an election in and of itself, rigged or not, is not a coup. A coup is an asymmetrical regime change war. The pentagon and cia funded the overthrow of the democratically elected ukrainian administration that had just turned down a trade deal with the EU and subsequently turned eastward on foreign policy matters. This funding is not even in dispute by the liberal establishment though the overall narrative obviously is or you wouldnt be parroting corporate-captured tabloid journalism. That said, how about you saddle up and respond to my comment regarding emergence as it relates to hherarchical societies given

that you like present yourself as being versed in emergent phenomena. Why am i not holding my breath that thats going to happen? Because you NON-PUBLICLY concede the argument?

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Putin thought he was going to get an essentially bloodless "Regime Change ala Crimea". Instead he's now killed off most of Russia's young adult males, run off all the smart ones, and has to use 1/3 of his military to provide him personal protection.

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And he's lost his grip on Syria… can Belarus, Georgia, Chechnya be far behind?

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Only the war didn't start in 2022.

This invasion was the dire but very predictable consequences of a coup and the subsequent repression of an upraising in the Eastern regions of what used to be Ukrainian SSR.

This is not to be forgotten if one wants to truly understand the situation. It should have been and could have been avoided during the previous 8 years. Only Europeans leaders, by their own admission, choose not to. They wanted this war. Quite probably more than the Russians actually wanted it.

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I'm sorry, Tris, but anyone who is against Ukraine self-defence is for invasion.

As for NATO, no one had a gun to Scandanavia's head when they rapidly chose to join NATO after the invasion. Oh wait, Putin *did* have a gun to their head…

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Yes. But the whole point is the war didn't start with the invasion.

Europeans leaders didn't act to avoid the war. Quite the contrary. Following blindly the US neocons and Democrats' dirty tricks, they helped to play Ukraine and Russia against each other during years, thinking that Russia could be easily defeated with a few economic sanction and some old Soviet-era tanks if it did invade. That was plain stupid. And wholly against Europe's own interests.

And now, they are caught in their own trap for 3 years, with an classical sunken cost fallacy preventing them to even think about changing policy and the US leaving them to dry.

Their hope is now that Russia might accept a mere cease fire until they can start the war again. How crazy is that ?!

And of course I'm not even talking about the Ukrainian and Russian people who paid and are still paying the highest price. They might not forgive before a very long time...

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Dec 10Edited

Jesus, Jan. You just keep going from bad to worse. I don't imagine that anyone here is opposed to Ukrainian self-defense. Even despite the Maidan coup, Ukrainian nationalists are entitled to defend themselves against Russian nationalists. That's not the issue. The issue is that it's not a war of ukrainian self-defense. Structurally it's a proxy war of NATO's and Ukraine is but the vehicle. Don't be so superficial.

Then, if we peel back a second layer of the onion we see that the reason that the non-public Degrowth Agenda manufactured this war wherein both sides are funded by the same banking system, is primarily because Ukraine has always been blatantly incapable of dealing with the decommissioning of the aging Soviet nuclear energy industry come Collapse, and it is Russia's legacy responsibility to do so and therefore the industry must return to being under Russian control. Which is why I publicly predicted that Russia would reclaim Ukraine a couple years before the war ever started.

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Russia Reclaims Its Position as Europe’s Top Gas Supplier - Russia has surpassed the U.S. as the primary supplier of gas to Europe, despite efforts by the region to reduce reliance on Russian energy sources. Source https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/you-are-being-1984ed

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Same gas, premium prices?

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I will now explain why EVs - which are not in any way shape or form 'Green' - exist.

And why the Ministry of Truth runs endless hype campaigns promoting planet-saving EVs and why governments subsidize them to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Consider this statement: We are steaming oil out of sand, drilling miles beneath oceans for oil, drilling hundreds of thousands of holes in the ground, dropping in bombs - then sucking up the dregs. And we can’t wait to start mining the Arctic, one of the most inhospitable regions of the planet, for oil.

Surely, given we are completely reliant on fossil fuel energy to power our civilization we should be concerned that these methods of oil extraction appear to be to put it bluntly... desperate.

Surely any objective observer would look at this and think.... hmmm.... if there is so much of the easy stuff remaining ... why we do we steam oil out of sand?

This is where the lunatics (or trolls) chyme in and scream “oil is abiotic - the oil wells refill’ Except that they are not refilling and we continue to steam oil out of sand.

COVID and the ULTIMATE EXTINCTION PLAN UEP - by Fast Eddy image 4

The thing is ... we are desperate.

Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article.

So how do EVs fit into this equation ... and renewable energy... and what about climate change????

These are what I refer to as The Three Pillars of Bullshit.

It goes like this. The Men Who Run the World need their barnyard animals to remain productive... positive... happy. If the animals were to get wind of the desperate situation with respect to energy they would get spooked... in fact they would panic.

And panicked barnyard animals are NOT productive animals. If they conclude that the cheap and easy energy are on the downslope ... they fall into despair. They begin to believe there is no future. Why breed - why study - why invest? Alcoholism and drug abuse would explode. And the global economy (and civilization) would prematurely collapse.

Barnyard animals MUST believe the future is awesome --- they must believe their progeny will have the same opportunities to pillage and fill their garages lots and lots of stuff from Walmart. More is non-negotiable… a god-given right!

The Men Who Run the World - and their minions (the Deep State)... are very much aware of this.

They need to cover up the desperate situation with some fancy PR.

One bright young thing in the Ministry of Truth -- which was tasked with the coverup ... suggested inventing this thing call Global Warming (they changed it to Climate Change cuz some places were cooling .. no problemo, the barnyard animals will believe whatever cnnbbc tells them).

Al Gore was initially reluctant to be the front man but when he was told that he could make big money with side grifting renewable energy, he signed up, hopped on his private jet and began a decades long world tour.

Notice how fossil fuels are now The Enemy? We Must wean off them? No mention of the fact that they are in deep depletion... that's a no-no. Instead they are evil -- we must ditch them... we don’t need them!

Enter renewable energy --- even though transitioning to renewables is IMPOSSIBLE

Doesn't matter.

The Ministry of Truth overcomes this by pounding the barnyard animals with messaging (and catch phrases)... convincing them that we are on the path to a green wonderful future -- where everyone gets to buy loads of stuff - HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!! High fives all around.

Let's insert EVs here... ICE vehicles are EVIL. We must transition to EV's ... Zero Emissions. Even though they are charged and manufactured with fossil fuels ... But..BUT ... eventually we will phase out fossil fuels and go totally green.

Like I said, transitioning to renewable energy (which is not actually renewable because solar panels don’t grow on trees) is IMPOSSIBLE.

Governments know this ... the bosses of governments (The Men Who Run the World) know this ... of course they do -- they are not stupid.

But they also know that they MUST ensure that the barnyard animals remain hopeful ... positive... productive... otherwise civilization collapses. And the Men Who Run the World don’t get to enjoy fine wine, private jet travel, and nubile 15 yr olds.

They cannot be allowed to understand that we are f789ed.

Because they cannot handle the truth… unless it involves a Hollywood ending.

Notice how the Ministry of Truth is now u-turning on EVs? The thing is… that lie can only be taken so far because the power grids around the world (fuelled primarily by coal, gas and uranium) cannot be scaled up to provide the electricity required to charge the EVs. Therefore the brakes are being applied.

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Has France gotten all its reactors back on line?

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More or less

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Dec 9Edited

And the consequences are still rippling around.

European elite will not change policies regarding energy. No way.

They would rather make a joke of democracy and encourage any country where democratic election results doesn't go the way they like to just cancel them.

And in the meantime, happily sign free-market agreements in the vain hope to save as much as they can of the European car industry, even if it goes again the population wills and means sacrificing what's left of the food production and endangering public health...

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Bummer that a site that has a legitimate insight into the effects of fossil fuels (and their decline as a finite resource) seems to be overrun in the commentary by Conspiracy Theorist Nut Jobs. For anybody thinking that there is a "Big Brother Dark State Ernst Blofeld" whose unseen hand is guiding the world to a planned self destruction, I have 2 words for you; "Donald Trump". The election of a true Moron as President, who has no clue how anything works, by a 49.98% electorate that's just as stupid. That shows that society's march to uncontrolled decline is simply Darwin at Work. There's no fixing it. There's no way to organize society to a controlled downhill run. It's not in the current generation of human beings. Those of us "In the Know" just have to do the best we can with the resources that we have. Europeans, Japanese, Chinese.... all in all are in a better way as they already live a societal lifestyle that uses 1/2 the energy per capita as the U.S. China built a nationwide electrified high speed rail system in just 2 decades for a reason. The smarter societies will still have something to offer the Saudis for their remaining high EROEI Oil. North America has the greatest risk of being an off the cliff sh*tsh*w sooner rather than later. The "Pickup Truck with the American Flag on the back window" Demographic will curl up in a fetal position in a corner when it becomes obvious to even them that "Drill Baby Drill" works the same in the real world as dilithium crystals.

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lol yes reante---

been a long time---I am even older now than i used to be

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Right on norm, still swimming laps around the ladies i'm sure.

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oh no

ladies always lap around me--i have become their marker boy

much more fun---you should try it sometime.

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Dec 10Edited

I believe it norm. You treading water at least while they're doing that or you just setting up on a lilo in speedos?

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It is scientifically false to past-tense covid. It is public health ARSON to promote the notion that covid is in the past.

You title your publication "the honest sorcerer".

Then, you pretend covid is over.

The rest of anything you have to say is dismissed.


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Past tense of covid is covided. Sounds like you got covided pretty good there. For pubic health I recommend just plain old water every once in awhile. And avoiding 5G.

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Thanks B. This is why we are being "given" World War-3.

Pars gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe, through Syria, may take some time to complete.

Will it be a pipeline to "nowhere" by then?


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Dec 10Edited

Yes, to answer your question. Which I argue is why it's not an actual WW3 that we're facing but rather a controlled Big Nuclear Scare for furthering the DA's global peace accord further down the road.

This Syrian al-Nusra cakewalk through the country is wild, John. Does not feel organic to me at all. Gets me back to thinking about that Thierry Meyssan- related DA idea of mine I got excited about with you this past Spring, if you recall; that along with wiping Israel off the map, or at the very least wiping the Likud party and Zionism off the map, the Hidden Hand of the Elites wants to throw the arabs another huge bone by establishing an authentic Islamic caliphate (islamic national socialism) across much of the ME, because that's the only way that the bulk of the best remaining oil on the planet can still be funneled to the nuclear armed and powered countries of the world as is absolutely necessary. Basic triaging fundamentals. Otherwise the world has tens of millions of furious young Arab men with nothing left to lose and the DA just can't afford to have that happen.

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The Ottoman Empire returns... That is one of the scenarios that is now open.

Erdogan digs it.

I suspect that what happened WAS "organic" after Aleppo didn't "fall", but opened the gates and walked away, and the various "moderate rebels" just fueled up and kept moving. The utter lack of resistance was unanticipated. Now everybody is gobbling everything up and winging-it. Hubris aplenty.

How The Syrian House Of Cards Fell https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/how-the-syrian-house-of-cards-fell

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Dec 11Edited

Thanks I scrolled through all that and just now listened to the Krainer interview that Fig posted in the comments, as I'm cleaning toilets at the school. Simplicius was informative. The degree to which Krainer was dumbstruck by the Nusra cakewalk as he detailed the laundry list of incomprehensibilities (Syrian army outnumbering the rebels 10:1, rebels riding in makeshift armored vehicles, etc) just reinforced what I figured already - that it was such a shambolic departure from geopolitical reality, and one of such magnitude, that only the Hidden Hand could force it.

Krainer resorted to grasping for straws, as he readily admitted, when he theorized it was a Russian trap - a quagmire in which to lure the West. But that blatantly overlooks the fact that in any real world Russia doesn't get to tell the Syrian military to stand down from defending it's own country. LOL. Only the Hand with it's one ring gets to do that, because everybody who needs to know knows the stakes if the DA is not followed. Krainer's and Simplicius' have the perennial problem plagued by fiat worldviews not grounded in the energy collapse predicament - you don't have any answers for the Hidden Hand's inorganic New Normal. Everything's just surreal and that's that. Blue Pill glitches - nothing to see here. Let's call it a trap. Or a new Ottoman empire.

I certainly don't see a new Ottoman Empire. Turkey is one of the three bloated albatrosses of industrial civilization in need of permanent backdoor bailouts just like China and India. Turkeys been importing 20pc more natgas and the same amount of oil for the last six years while their currency has collapsed, and that's impossible without a Hidden Hand. And China and India have been getting running backdoor bailouts of discount Russian crude because of the 'sanctions' and India has been refining and upselling it to Europe in order to salvage its current accounts. This is the DA at work in all of its glory.

Turkey may end up with NE Syrian oil. That would be consistent. Turkey's a lynchpin to the DA working out, it has little energy of it's own (hence the albatross status), and the fact that it's about to become a nuclear power industry member next year, at the very last second... makes clear that it is a high-priority hospice patient.

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Hubris is the "classic flaw" of Greek mythology/tragedy. It can also be translated as "an erection".

That was good multi-tasking you did.

We shall see if what some think is a "trap" (I don't) is just hubris grasping-the-operational-initiative.

I'm interested in Al Jolani. He has had to pass a lot of survival and competence tests by now, but he may soon be the target of those who have groomed him.

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Dec 11Edited

Well it's no secret I got a hard-on somethin fierce for the DA, boss; even though I was sure that Tulsi was gonna be Trump's VP pick so that they could bump him off in her favor now I'm going round and saying, "well, when you think about it, what's really more important - being a puppet POTUS or being the DNI and managing the most important intelligence bureaucracy on the planet with a direct line to the Hand while feeding the puppet his intelligence briefings." Lol. How's that for saving face? :)

Interesting thing is she loathes al-Nusra, specifically, as much as she loathes the Wahabbi House of Saud. I do think she's now perfectly positioned to bring down the hammer on the HoS by releasing the 9/11 files like I always said she would. The Hand can't have the House in power anymore than it can have Likud.

Al Jolani from the Golan Heights, with Israeli fools rushing in. I'd be interested to read any good stuff you have on him. I should see if Meyssan does, haven't checked in with him in months. Until then we'll just have to wait for Miles Mathis' deep dive on Jolani from Golani lol.

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Why does the Hidden Hand of the Elites want to wipe Israel off the map?

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Hey James. On the political level -- seeing as how israel is the ashkenazi oil-age pet project of the ashkenazi-dominated Hand -- it's counterintuitive isnt it? But we have to realize that its not their pet project for ethnoreligious reasons because the ashkenazis are not the same lineage as the israelites. In fact the palestinians are genetically closer to who the israelite peoples were than anyone else alive today. Ashkenazis are mostly eastern european. A merchant culture and a herding culture -- the earliest herding culture -- before that. These are facts not antisemitic tropes. So israel was an Allied project for imperial control, in perpetuity, of Standard Oil's discoveries across the ME. Israel is a nuclear armed weapon pointed at the arab world while the Elites distribute the oil as globalization sees fit. But come collapse (phase 2 of the DA) the 4sraeli nuclear asset becomes a mass4ve liability just as so many other growth dynamics get inverted during collapse. See my previous comment again regarding that liability. Muslims loathe israel more than we do. Not only does it facilitate the theft of muslim oil it represses the shit out of them otherwise, and this is barely tolerable during the growth phase because industrial spoils still trickle down to them but will qtickly become intolerable when they no longer have anything left to lose so the Hand that herds knows that it needs to give them back their self-determination of governance. Does that answer the question? Objections? DA theory is a creative commons endeavor.

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Ok that makes sense, but why keep sending them weapons etc then? Surely they'd get rid of them sooner if they stopped arming them?

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Timing is everything in a complex Machine. and the timing of israels collapse is intertwined with both regional and global concerns and, moreover, those concerns each operate on their own timeframe - short-term, medium, or long. the main challenge in the medium term (2-5 years, say) revolves around how to keep the whole shebang together enough during a catastrophic global economic depression such that the grids can be kept stable enough to facilitate the disposal of the nuclear power industry. Gaza is a dry run grand Calhoun mouse experiment to see what it takes to provide non-market-based life support to a large city in total collapse. The Hand cannot fulfill its objectives during phase 2 if it does not constantly trial-and-error the level of aid gazans receive w hile carefully noting the sociological effects first and the physical second. Gaza after all is what collapse looks like in big cities and the Hand needs to rehearse for the big show.

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Last question, hopefully (and thanks for your replies btw Ben).

Civilizational collapse is going to occur, with or without planned depopulation (that's not to say there isn't a plan). However, cities will collapse due to lack of food, water, fuel, electricity etc - not from having death rained down on them from the sky, as is happening in Palestine. If Gaza is an experiment, why would they not 'just' cut off vital inputs? Why the need for 1-ton bombs etc?

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