This is the outcome I am predicting https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep... would not be surprised if we are all dead before 2025 ends...

China has now fired the bazooka to combat this



That should prop the dying beast for awhile....but it ain't no fix... when the markets conclude that all they did was inject the beast with a mega shot of cocaine, speed, heroin, meth and Red Bull... allowing him to stagger along for a few more miles... before he collapses in a heap and expires...

And the markets will come to this conclusion ... because what the CCP has done is commanded businesses in China to accept many billions of yuan and use that cash to bid up the market.... while tossing a few scraps at the mob to try to encourage them to buy property...

The thing is ... how do you buy property when you already went all in ... what you bought did not get built... but you still have to service the full cost... or what you bought has crashed in price by a third.

Let's see what happens when the euphoria wears off ... we'll probably see an even bigger wave of desperate policies thrown at this ... eventually you push on the string... and it pushes back...

I don't think they will allow this to happen though ... they do NOT want 8B on the streets ripping faces off... they will complete UEP and exterminate us first.

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Fantastic trip into the future! It's much easier to read about it than it will be experiencing it!

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Like if you have small kids and fear what the heck of a world they will live in just 5 to 10 years time

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A really chilling story that I too have delved into. From my perspective in Norway, no one seems to bother. I made a count this week, when there is autumn leave from schools, an around 15 of our friend-families took a trip to mediterranean shores. Not a problem in sight! But a just recently read the Jacobsen-book you allude, and suddently wondered: Shouldn’t I myself «live to the Max», just gulp the world? I humbly post my thoghts here. https://open.substack.com/pub/agnarlirhus/p/armageddon-e76?r=iyltu&utm_medium=ios

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Lovely illusions, but the last time our species was living in an ecologically balanced self-sustaining lifeway was when our ancestors were migratory Hunter-Gatherers/pastoralists and numbered worldwide about 2.6M, so 1/3,000th of our massively overpopulated numbers. What could go wrong? Everything?

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I think the population movement will be towards the south. Warm and miserable, beats cold and miserable.

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